Friday, October 29, 2010

some halloween-ish songs


i don't have access to my big ol music library right now. but i think that might be for the best, because this mix only has stuff that really "caught my ear" in the past few weeks. i like that, and i might keep doing it like this.

some of these are very well known, and some are a little less known!

1. a fun intro
2. Sandie Shaw - Run
3. The Embers - I Walked All Night
4. The Shamettes - (Hey There) Big Bad Wolf
5. Rev. Chambers - Me And The Devil
6. The Drivers - Dangerous Lips
7. The Ran Dells - The Martian Hop
8. Michael & Jermaine Jackson - Tell me I'm not dreaming
9. The Bees - Voices Green And Purple
10. Dr. Octagon - Halfsharkalligatorhalfman
11. Nina Simone - I put a spell on you
12. Everything is Everything - Witchi Tai To

link (treats)

ps: typography nerds will notice that i used the "giddyup" font. you know what. that font looks perfect for friday, october 29th, 2010. and if it bothers you well then consider that my halloween trick

i've got so many firme tracks comin up

you wouldn't even believe